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AT-H Systems Bayerns schönste Hochbeete


Growing it yourself, harvesting it yourself and ultimately eating your own vegetables and fruit from your own garden is particularly good and tastes more intense than the vegetables from the supermarket. You really know what you eat.

In today's world, it is important to live sustainably and to be self-sufficient as far as possible. The topic of environmental protection is extremely explosive and everyone can contribute and do something to live more sustainably.

These visions can be realized with the three elements of the AT-H System raised bed.

Only larch wood, 2mm stainless steel and granite are used in this raised bed. The base frame made of granite and stainless steel can always be used and can be set up quickly and easily. In addition, the granite does not have to be concreted, which saves a lot of work, time and nerves. We have had this technology legally protected.   

If there is also the intention of refilling the raised bed after 10-15 years in order to activate new nutrients, the wood can also be easily replaced. The raised bed will look like new again!

Where art, technology and a passion for nature meet.

Make your garden something special!

AT-H Systems

ATH Hochbeete
AT-H „Ausstellung“
AT-H Systems Rottal I
AT-H Everest_edited
AT-H Systems Edelstahlemblem
AT-H „Balkon“
AT-H Systems Hochbeet bepflanzt
AT-H „Balkoni“
AT-H „Balkoni“
AT-H Systems Rottal IV
AT-H Systems Rottal V
AT-H „Ausstellung“

Unsere Werbung auf Antenne Bayern!

Bayerns schönste Hochbeete Antenne Bayern AT-H


Wir stellen uns vor



AT-H Systems

Kindlbach 24, 94137 Bayerbach

Phone: +49 (0) 8532/9273776


Früchte und Gemüse AT-H

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